info - asiana

Every journey begins with the first step. Asiana, took that first step in 1988 when it was introduced as the second flag carrier in Korea. On the occasion of its 15th Anniversary in 2003, Asiana took its next major step in joining the Star Alliance network.

For more than a decade, Asiana's main goal, has been to offer its passengers the highest safety and service standards. With the aim of guiding every thought and action of its employees, Asiana adopted the term "Uncompromising Safety" as the main theme of its mission statement. In keeping with this target of uncompromising safety, Asiana maintains the youngest fleet worldwide and, as the first airline in the world, was granted ISO 9002 certification on aircraft maintenance.


Asiana's dedicated in-flight and ground service makes you feel at home while in the air. This was rewarded with the ATW Passenger Service Award for 2001. Also, a Customer Satisfaction Survey carried out over a few years by several renowned research companies, declared Asiana to be the most satisfactory airline in 2001.

With its young fleet of 61 aircraft, Asiana today serves 45 cities in 15 countries, including 18 destinations within Korea. As the largest connection between mainland China and the rest of the world, Asiana focuses not only on playing a significant role in covering all major Asian destinations, but is also expanding its global network coverage. In 2002, Asiana carried more than 12 million passengers with 283 scheduled daily flights. Asiana has 6,996 employees, comprising 799 pilots, 2,317 flight attendants and 3,880 ground staff.